Paradise Garden Productions (PG)  is a free and non-profit production company in which artists and cultural workers from different disciplines work together. PG sets itself the task of analysing historical or socio-political conflicts and catalysing them through artistic processes. For this reason, we focus our work on disadvantaged communities, issues, places and their actors. We focus on the formats theatre, film, exhibitions and workshops. To subscribe to the PG newsletter, please send an email to:

--- NEWS --- Our theatre performance project "EX-TRAHERE MATRIX" is ON TOUR: at the Hof-Festspiele in Berlin Kreuzberg. On 05.07.24 at 20:00 --- Afterwards our ensemble from Lomé will perform in Marburg. On 10.07.24 at 19:30 --- We continue our journey to "Highdigenous Live! The Festival of Amazement" in Paderborn. On 12.07.24 20:00 --- NEWS --- Premiere: TABU, MY DARLING? (working title) on 22.06.2024 19:00 Premiere at the KungerKiezTheater Berlin --- NEWS --- PREMIERE: CEREMONY FOR A WOUND on 23/05/2024 at the Schlosshof in Freiberg / Saxony --- NEWS --Click here for all upcoming events and more informations!